我的家乡是天府之国四川,四川美食好吃且享誉世界四川菜英文介绍。 My hmetwn sichuan is a land f abundance , sichuan fd is delicius and famus in the wrld.
有一道菜我特别爱吃,叫做粉蒸肉,是一种用土豆和猪肉再加上某种调味粉蒸煮。这道菜口感比较柔滑,以香和咸为主。 I especially lve t eat a dish,peple call steamed prk with rice flur,It is a kind f dish with ptates and prk add ***e kind f seasning pwder, cking.
This dish tastes mre ***th, give pririty t with sweet and salty,yu will cant
where is your hometown?
Tian jin.
What about the food?
My hometown has many delicious food.
三文治sandwich;比萨饼pizza。香肠sausage;面包bread;黄油(白塔油)butter;茶叶蛋tea eggs;汉堡hamburger;火腿ham;奶酪cheese;酸奶yoghurt